Born in Miami, Florida to a Military family, his passion for drawing was first noticed and evident at a very young age. His artistic abilities and skills were head turning as early as grade school. Now currently at Disney Television Animation, & an Executive Producer on an Untitled Series at Hillman Grad, he always had a love and appreciation for animation. It inspired him to pursue his passion, graduating with a college degree in Animation. The accomplishment was not an easy undertaking, he went from being a homeless, hurricane Katrina victim, to graduating at the top of his class, maintaining a 4.0 GPA. He currently resides in Atlanta, GA, and plans to create compelling characters that are diverse, inclusive, and that drive the story. He’s the creator of the highly anticipated cartoon, Team Supreme, and Tha Curriculum. Team Supreme puts kids who have a disability, in the forefront, as their so-called disability doubles as their super power. “My goal is to normalize what society calls a disability, while also being as inclusive and diverse as possible. He continues to expand his knowledge, skills, and abilities; and has created and developed character designs for: Disney TVA, Axis Studios, 9 Story, NBPA, The Jim Henson Company, Illumination, Sony Immersive Studios, Netflix Animation, Nickelodeon, Baobab Studios, University of Miami, Drake, BearBack, Dymelyfe, Black Skullz, and more. Whenever he has time, he works out at his local gym. A former four sport athlete who had scholarships to play at D-1 schools, staying healthy, and spending time with his daughter is very important to him.
(228) 243-5092